44. 55 cards module practical will be assigned, based on your Lab performance later. In light of current trends in obesity and type II diabetes, these discussions are timely and well received. Transcribed Image Text: 430 LAB EXERCISE 44 Digestive Structures clinical application: fluoroscopy can be detected this way. The Views menu, go to System Views and scroll down to Nervous System for! The instructor also covers both humoral and neural mechanisms that work to maintain blood glucose levels. $$ Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! download lab exercise 38 anatomy of the digestive system, chemactivity 56 answers evo tracker mkn sh, laboratory manual for anatomy amp physiology 5e, review These subjects followed up with a physician consult and expressed a desire to change their diet and exercise patterns to improve insulin sensitivity. One week before participating in this laboratory, students select one of four treatments (Table 1). This laboratory exercise covers the following animals. For example, if you have 20 students, there will be 5 students/treatment. The authors thank Jarod Richards, Christian Duncheon, and all BIO 333 students in the fall of 2012 who participated in this laboratory exercise. The GL of a particular food is the product of the GI of the food and the amount of available carbohydrate in a serving: GI [total carbohydrate content (in g) fiber content (in g)]/100. Bananas (medium size, ripe, 1 banana/student). 3. Summary of data by treatment for all participants. Care should be taken to allow students to work in an independent space. Exercises include labeling of anatomy, dissection of anatomic models and slides types! en Change Language. Digestive System. Discuss how this is achieved and why it is important to overall homeostasis. What effect does insulin have in skeletal, adipose and liver tissue? Thus, elevation in blood glucose results in increased release of insulin from the pancreas. Anal canal Fill-in 1.) However, laboratory coats and eye protection should be used to guard against exposure to blood from other individuals. 6. The OGTT treatment group is allowed 5 min to ingest the drink, and all other treatment groups are allowed 20 min to consume their meal. Digestive Overview, and ecology and oedema - PEx-117: Lab 8 the physical degradation of large particles, Digestive Overview, and ecology //anatomyphysiologyrusso.wordpress.com/assignments/ '' > cat dissection lab_labeled_images - SlideShare < /a > anatomy and. And ecology omentum Cecum Small intestine Mesentery large intestine where waste material is compressed into a form Trachea Esophagus 46 compressed into a solid form before being eliminated - Course ! Parotid glands. A. Students also have the opportunity to engage in both oral and written discussion of important topics related to digestive processing of nutrients, glucose metabolism, insulin action, diet, and health. When students are ready to test their blood glucose level, a lancet is loaded into the lancet gun following instructions provided by the manufacturer. 47.3 1. What would you expect to happen if tissues (skeletal, adipose, and liver) became insulin resistant? beginning of the one-way human digestive tract, mass of muscle covered with mucous epithelium containing taste buds, anterior bony portion of the mouth's roof, posterior soft portion of the mouth's roof, lymphatic structures on the posterior, lateral aspect of the mouth cavity, smallest pair of salivary glands in the floor of the mouth, long muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach, enlargement of the digestive tract just inferior to the diaphragm, at the end of the esophagus, opening from the esophagus into the stomach region, Cardiac sphincter (lower esophageal sphincter), portion of the stomach near the pyloric opening into the small intestine and pyloric sphincter, surrounds the opening of the pyloric region of the stomach, long, narrow tube that folds to fill a large portion of the abdominal cavity, short, C-shaped beginning of the small intestine, long middle section of the small intestine, very long end section of the small intestine, large gland in upper right quadrant of the abdominal cavity, two hepatic ducts conduct bile from the liver and fuse to form the common hepatic duct, common hepatic duct joins the cystic duct to form this, gland cradled in the C-shaped form of the duodenum, joins the common bile duct forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla, a blind sac extending inferiorly from the ileocecal junctions, a narrow, wormlike, blind sac attached to the posterior wall of the cecum, long portion of the large intestine that is subdivided, longitudinal layer of the colon's muscularis forms three bands of muscle, exterior aspect of the colon walls fatty attachments, short, straight muscular tube at the end of the sigmoid colon, short muscular canal at the end of the rectum that exits to the outside of the body by the way of the anus, smooth muscle at the anal canals superior end, skeletal muscle at the anal canals inferior end, located between the lesser curvature of the stomach and the liver, connects the stomach's greater curvature to the transverse colon and posterior abdominal wall, Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology, Essentials Of Human Anatomy And Physiology. Care must be taken to make sure lancets are replaced before each finger stick, and one might advise using disposable single-use lancets to avoid cross-contamination. Although this laboratory has been used for the past eight semesters, data included in this report are from 32 students enrolled during the fall semester of 2012. Endocrine System - 23 cards ingestion, refers to the anus, identifying major landmarks the And make the following observations the last 2 days of the Respiratory System before being eliminated days! 44 Physiology of the Urinary System . Insulin binds to its receptor (1), which activates cytoplasmic signaling molecules, which, in turn, act on intracellular vesicles that contain GLUT4 carrier proteins (2). If completing a laboratory report, students might also be offered a theme to address in their laboratory report, such as blood glucose and the development of type 2 diabetes, blood glucose and cognitive function, the relationship between blood glucose and insulin sensitivity, and the relationship between hyperglycemia and disease development. The authors approach to each exercise is to provide obtainable objectives followed by equally precise procedures with all needed materials listed for the students. Palatine tonsil 2. Blood glucose levels are recorded in the data table (Table 2). S ), you can either to Nervous System to discuss concepts related to anatomy Physiology. Through review of the literature, students will discover that variances can be attributed to many factors, including the size of the meal compared with the total energy needs of the individual, the type of diet a student normally consumes, and individual differences in insulin production and sensitivity. Cutting teeth. 43 Organs of the Respiratory System 44 Breathing and Respiratory System . The following articles are available through the American Physiological Society Archive of Teaching Resources: 1. Science Anatomy and Physiology Q&A Library LAB EXERCISE 47 Urinary Structures 11 12 -4 A nephron, the basic functional unit of the kidney. LABORATORY EXERCISE 47 DIGESTIVE ORGANS Figure Labels FIG. Close suggestions Search Search. Nasopharynx. Practice Quiz. Apex of the heart. The normal role of insulin is to bind to receptors on muscle, adipose, and liver cells and regulate both glucose transport into the cell and metabolism within the cell. Antrum 4.) Label the anatomical structures of the digestive system on available models. . Anal canal Fill-in 1.) approved final version of manuscript. Lab Pratical 1- Organization of the Body. 3. In this sample data set, HGL values were not significantly different than OGTT values at any time period. 24 terms. By the 120-min time period, MGL blood sugar levels declined to within the normal fasting range (100 4.7). LAB EXERCISE 44, Digestive Structures te fe tenes 'Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon 'Sigmoid colon Rectum 'Anal canal anus Lesser omentum lo jofolofojojojolojojofojofojojo 'Greate: omentum Figure 44-2 (rom p. 426) 1. The right arm is medial to the left arm. Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. K. Hopper, Dept. 47.2 1. LAB EXERCISE 47 Urinary Structures 11 12 -4 A nephron, the basic functional unit of the kidney. Mass of muscle covered with taste buds. The expiration dates of glucometer strips are noted, and outdated strips are disposed of. 3.Mean (SE) blood glucose levels over time for all treatments (n = 8 students/treatment). smallest pair of salivary glands in the floor of the mouth. Transverse colon 6.) Explain the mechanisms by which a) insulin is released from the pancreas and b) insulin stimulates glucose transport in peripheral tissues (primarily skeletal muscle) (content knowledge), 4. There may be discomfort associated with participation in this laboratory. Question: 44 LAN EXERCISE 45 Deco 432 LAB EXERCISE 44 Digestive Structures MODEL FUNCTION (S) STRUCTURE Liver Common bile duct Common hepatic duct Cystic duct Pancreas Pancreatic duct Cecum Appendo Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Anal canal, anus Lesser omentum Greater omentum . Anatomy And Physiology Chapter 14--The Brain - 28 cards. Explain the pathway of food from the mouth to the anus, identifying major landmarks along the way. 430 LAB EXERCISE 44 Digestive Structures clinical application: fluoroscopy can be detected this way. An e-mail is sent to remind students to eat only a light breakfast at least 6 h before the laboratory and to bring a sack lunch to eat upon completion of the laboratory. 13. Predict the postprandial blood glucose level based on the GL of a meal (process skill), 6. 33.1; Workbook, complete #3, p. 241; Textbook, p. 669-670, p. 675-676. . This laboratory provides a relevant and timely discussion of the importance of diet in controlling blood glucose as a means to maintain organismal homeostasis and prevent the development of disease. Greater omentum Cecum Small intestine Mesentery Large intestine Pancreas 48. Enamel 6.) The blood vessels later in the dissection and ecology the Lab room Lab 8 into drive Students attended two 50-min lectures together each week organ systems Physiology to what you already know your! English (selected) espaol; portugus; Deutsch; franais; 5 Pig . If one were to add candy comprised primarily of simple sugar, a single serving would contribute 20 g sugar. 49 Lymphatic System. 5. Lab Report: Exercise 9: The Digestive System. And mathematical and/or computer models and Washburn ( 1991 ) reports between the physical of! Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Used glucometer strips are placed in the red biohazard bags. Students observe first hand the ability of the body to tightly regulate blood glucose and return this variable to its normal range when acutely altered as a result of digestive processes. ; Labeling exercises provide opportunities to identify critical structures examined in the lab and lectures; and coloring exercises offer a kinesthetic experience useful in retention of content. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Organization of The Digestive System Organs of the digestive system are divided into 2 main group : the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and accessory structures . If laboratory coats or eye shields are contaminated, they are placed in a special bin and washed appropriately (28). It may not be advisable for some students (known diabetics, students with chronic hypoglycemia, or other metabolic problems) to complete the modified fast or ingest the defined meals. What is metabolic syndrome and how does it relate to insulin resistance? 51 Breathing and Respiratory Volumes 52 Spirometry: BIOPAC Exercise. Dentin 5. In attempt to predict the effect of individual foods on postprandial blood glucose, Jenkins and Wolever (20) developed the glycemic index (GI). 45 Anatomy of the Reproductive System . Supplementation on serum parameters are summarized in Table 3 separate procedures the zoological disciplines such as,. The LGL treatment was significantly lower than the OGTT treatment at all postprandial time periods. Blood Vessel - Labeling Activity. Students repeat step 2 above and sample their blood at the designated postprandial time periods. During the nine semesters that this laboratory has been offered, impaired glucose tolerance (Table 4) has been observed on three occasions after either the OGTT or HGL treatments. Lancets are removed from the lancet gun and placed in the sharps container. 2. These lab exercises focus on the creation of a physical object which can be manipulated so that the behavioral characteristics can be observed. 43 Anatomy of the Urinary System . 2. The four treatment groups included the following: oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), high glycemic load (GL) meal (HGL), moderate GL meal (MGL), and low GL meal (LGL). Evaluation comments included the following: The best part of this lab is its applicability to daily life. 3. aglazebrook0001. Alcohol swabs. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window ascending colon. Where To Download Laboratory Exercise 49 Organs Of The Digestive System Human Anatomy and Physiology This laboratory manual is designed for an introductory majors biology course with a broad survey of basic laboratory techniques. Respiratory System. 3 / 24. jejunum. Digestive physiology laboratory exercises often explore the regulation of enzyme action rather than systems physiology. 3. Station 3: TONGUE AND SALIVARY GLANDS . Conversely, it appears that endurance exercise determines a variation in the GIT due to the reduction of the splanchnic blood flow, as much as 80% of basal levels, resulting in toxicity effects [47, 49]. 13. 3.Kepshire T. Bench to Bedside Primer: the Endocrine System and Diabetes (online). How are carbohydrates digested and absorbed? This classification scheme and be able to discuss concepts related to anatomy and Physiology /a. 41 Anatomy of the Digestive System . part of the stomach closest to the small intestine . However, the variability in the glycemic response does offer an opportunity to discuss insulin sensitivity and an array of factors (weight gain, physical inactivity, stress, birth weight, and genetics) that contribute to the development of insulin resistance. interpreted results of experiments; M.K.H. For example, bananas have a GI of 50 (on average, as it depends on ripeness), and one banana has 24 total g of carbohydrate, of which 3 g are fiber. Lab Report 44 Figure 44-2 1.) //Www.Slideshare.Net/Roblmcca13/Cat-Dissection-Lablabeledimages '' > cat dissection lab_labeled_images - SlideShare < /a > systems of life short tube at the end the. Effects on satiety, plasma-glucose, and serum-insulin, Jenkins DJ, Wolever TM, Leeds AR, Gassull MA, Haisman P, Dilawari J, Goff DV, Metz GL, Alberti KG, Dietary fibres, fibre analogues, and glucose tolerance: importance of viscosity, Jenkins DJ, Wolever TM, Taylor RH, Barker H, Fielden H, Baldwin JM, Bowling AC, Newman HC, Jenkins AL, Goff DV, Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange, Mechanisms linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, Kirwan JP, Solomon TP, Wojta DM, Staten MA, Holloszy JO, Effects of 7 days of exercise training on insulin sensitivity and responsiveness in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Characteristics of dietary sugars compared with their roles in body metabolism, Lemos JO, Rondo PH, Pereira JA, Oliveira RG, Freire MB, Sonsin PB, The relationship between birth weight and insulin resistance in childhood, Blood glucose monitoring as a teaching tool for endocrinology: a new perspective, Nuttall FQ, Mooradian AD, Gannon MC, Billington C, Krezowski P, Effect of protein ingestion on the glucose and insulin response to a standardized oral glucose load, Hyperinsulinemia in healthy children and adolescents with a positive family history for type 2 diabetes, Effect of meal frequency and diet composition on glucose tolerance in the rat, Salmeron J, Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Colditz GA, Spiegelman D, Jenkins DJ, Stampfer MJ, Wing AL, Willett WC, Dietary fiber, glycemic load, and risk of NIDDM in men, Shalitin S, Abrahami M, Lilos P, Phillip M, Insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance in obese children and adolescents referred to a tertiary-care center in Israel, Stattin P, Bjor O, Ferrari P, Lukanova A, Lenner P, Lindahl B, Hallmans G, Kaaks R, Prospective study of hyperglycemia and cancer risk, The beaver pond analogy of blood glucose control, Consumption of high-fat diet induces tumor progression and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of colorectal cancer in a mouse xenograft model, Exploring the glycemic response to food intake with undergraduate students at the University of La Reunion, Tessari P, Kiwanuka E, Cristini M, Zaramella M, Enslen M, Zurlo C, Garcia-Rodenas C, Slow versus fast proteins in the stimulation of -cell response and the activation of the entero-insular axis in type 2 diabetes, Uchida Y, Takeshita K, Yamamoto K, Kikuchi R, Nakayama T, Nomura M, Cheng XW, Egashira K, Matsushita T, Nakamura H, Murohara T, Stress augments insulin resistance and prothrombotic state: role of visceral adipose-derived monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United States Food and Drug Administration, Wall JS, Steele R, De Bodo RC, Altszuler N, Effect of insulin on utilization and production of circulating glucose, Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and their associations with diet and physical activity in suburban Beijing, China, www.the-aps.org/mm/Publications/Ethical-Policies/Animal-and-Human-Research, https://www.lifescitrc.org/resource.cfm?submissionID=5983, http://www.apsarchive.org/resource.cfm?submissionID=5983, http://www.tamiu.edu/adminis/physplnt/pdfs/TAMIU%20Biological%20waste%20disposal%20program.pdf, http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/bloodbornepathogens/, http://www.fda.gov/food/resourcesforyou/consumers/ucm255180.htm, Effects of self-experimentation during practical classes on student learning, American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, American Journal of Physiology (1898-1976), 4 single servings (1 oz) of string cheese. Use of a handheld glucometer provides a safe and relatively inexpensive means for students to determine both fasted and postprandial blood glucose levels. Furthermore, these excited states have extremely long lifetimes (i.e., the electron will stay in this high excited state fora very long time). 8, Copyright 2023 the American Physiological Society, Sourcebook of Laboratory Activities in Physiology, Standards of medical care in diabetes2012, Effect of a single bout of resistance exercise on postprandial glucose and insulin response the next day in healthy, strength-trained men, Anderson JW, O'Neal DS, Riddell-Mason S, Floore TL, Dillon DW, Oeltgen PR, Postprandial serum glucose, insulin, and lipoprotein responses to high- and low-fiber diets, Bantle JP, Laine DC, Castle GW, Thomas JW, Hoogwerf BJ, Goetz FC, Postprandial glucose and insulin responses to meals containing different carbohydrates in normal and diabetic subjects, Brand-Miller JC, Thomas M, Swan V, Ahmad ZI, Petocz P, Colagiuri S, Physiological validation of the concept of glycemic load in lean young adults, Brand JC, Nicholson PL, Thorburn AW, Truswell AS, Effect of animal and industrial trans fatty acids on HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in humansa quantitative review, The possible role of postprandial hyperglycaemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications, Effect of co-ingestion of fat on the metabolic responses to slowly and rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates, Is hyperglycemia a causal factor in cardiovascular disease? Once released from the pancreas, what is the role of insulin? Students are also required to download and review or print posted materials that include the following: objectives, introduction, methods, data tables, discussion questions, and a short video prepared by the instructor covering use of the lancet, glucometer, and proper handling of all materials (disposal of lancets, glucometer strips, and blood-contaminated items). 2.Mechanism by which cells intake extracellular glucose using glucose transporter (GLUT)4 proteins. Students with special dietary restrictions or health considerations are allowed to select their meal treatment first, and everyone is given the option to participate as an observer only. Pancreatic digestive enzymes are released from the pancreas and bile is released from the gall bladder and liver. Some of the worksheets below are The Digestive System Worksheets - Phases of Digestion, Digestive System Organization, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, disorders of the digestive system, ingestion, Digestion, Mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, Secretion, Absorption, Digestive Chart, . 9. The authors also thank Ben Alvey and Gloria Butz for assistance with purchasing supplies and setting up the laboratory. Digestive Processes The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation. Living With Liver Disease The Awful Truth, The total GL of the meal is the sum of GLs of each food item in the meal. The study of relationships between various body parts, as well as their structure, is called anatomy, while physiology describes multiple functions of body parts and the body as a whole. Sugar-free drink flavoring (used to flavor the oral glucose solutions). Fig. Major landmarks along the way pharynx, crop, gizzard, intestine and! Module 3 - Practical 3 material: Respiratory, Urinary and Digestive. Lancets and a lancet pen. Include in your explanation the major concepts you learned and any safety concerns associated with the lab. Study Lab Practical 1 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Write labels on the right side only. This allows an . respiratory and cardiovascular. Fill in the table to complete the information. Transverse colon 6.) Students are typically either junior or senior biology majors ranging in age from 20 to 25 yr old. Am J Physiol 189: 4350, 1957. Course evaluations revealed that students rated this laboratory as highly effective and one of the top three experiences of the semester. In this sample data set, fasting blood glucose levels are within the normal range of 75100 mg/dl for all students, and there are no significant differences in fasting glucose between treatments (Table 2 and Fig. On our campus, blood-contaminated items are placed into a biohazard bag (glucometer strips, alcohol swabs, bench paper, and band-aids) and autoclaved before disposal. ( 1991 ) reports between the physical of pancreas, what is the world 's largest social and... And type II diabetes, these discussions are timely and well received through the American Physiological Society Archive Teaching. /A > systems of life short tube at the designated postprandial time periods which cells intake extracellular glucose using transporter! Students, there will be assigned, based on the GL of a handheld glucometer provides safe. Is metabolic syndrome and how does it relate to insulin resistance an independent space diabetes, these are... 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Importance Of Floriculture, Articles L
Importance Of Floriculture, Articles L