Len, my responses to your questions appear lower in this post. To republish, copy the HTML at right, which includes our tracking pixel, all paragraph styles and hyperlinks, the author byline and credit to MinnPost. In C. Wright Mill's words: "What people are interested in is not always what is to their interest; the troubles they are aware of are not always the ones that beset them. When I wrote my book I had not seen these files. The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. The plane crashed near Lovettsville, Virginia, and all 25 persons on board were killed. suffered the loss of part of his right eye and parts of his jaw. Without it, those at the top, who profess a devotion to our interests while serving themselves, would be in serious trouble indeed. Guest Tom ScullyMay 26, 2011 in Political Conspiracies. Their murders were just as, politically motivated as the others. In 1937 Walter Reuther became the leader of a United Automobile Workers insurgent faction that included Communists. As progressives in the AFL-CIO try to rally their forces, they would do well to remember those few especially dedicated and gifted union leaders who understood the broader social and political dimensions of the labor struggle. Having succeeded with Lundeen, Viereck expanded the number of congressional collaborators, which included former Rep. Hamilton Fish, R-N.Y., and former Sen. Burton Wheeler, D-Mont. The technical part of the report was like a foreign language to me. The assailants were caught and acquitted in a trial that. The Rev. Former Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, died in a single-engine plane crash in southwest Alaska that killed four other people, including one of his former congressional aides, officials said Tuesday. WILLIAM GARBOSE, department of justice, Washington. I visited the site of the Lundeen plane crash some 36 miles west of Washington on Aug. 25 and spoke with 82-year-old Phyllis Ridgeway, who lives on a 60-acre farm across the road from the crash site. In recent decades, organized labor has endured a serious battering from conservative interests in both government and the corporate world. MISS C. POST, 1739 Kilborn Place, NW., Washington. It is hard to fathom what national security concern is involved or why the FBI and CIA still keep so many secrets about Walter Reuther's life and death. 14 May. Suddenly the plane--flying on visual rules, not ground, controlledwas lower than it should have been. He then went on to become Minnesota Senator from 1937 until his untimely death in a plane crash on August 31, 1940. him, testimonials, and details about Reuthers funeral rites. Ham Fish's memory went dead. It was suggested to the FBI by one of its informants that Walter Reuther's anti-communism was insincere, and merely a self-serving ruse in his quest for power. It added, "Nothing within the ordinary range of experience and no combination of events of which the occurrence could be regarded as at all likely, would have sufficed to have produced this accident.". Both pilots and three other passengers, including the Senator's first wife, were killed in the crash. I found 31 articles on the, subject of Walter Reuthers death. I've now shared with you, everything I know about this incident. The proper hole was located, and the threads were drilled out. The Wonderful Life and Strange Death, 4) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. 9) Robert F. Kennedy Biography. [7] Also on board were "a Special Agent of the FBI, a second FBI employee, and a prosecutor from Criminal . The Wonderful Life and Strange, 15) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. On Aug. 31, 1940, a Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane carrying Sen. Ernest Lundeen, along with 20 other passengers and four crew members, went down in a heavy rainstorm near Lovettsville, Virginia. 11 May 1970. If the screw was. The senator would not say why. 10) The News in Brief. Christian Science Monitor. The ad warned: "Walter Reuther is already within reach of controlling your Congress. Lovettsville Game Protective Association, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville High School (1910), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Library, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Post Office (1937-1961), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Town Hall, Lovettsville, Virginia, McClains Grocery, Lovettsville, Virginia, Historical Photographs of Lovettsville, Virginia, 1940 Lovettsville Airline Disaster Archive, Revolutionary War Veterans of Lovettsville. The pilot had his engines wide open. anything Soviet Russia might do to America. There it disintegrated completely. Albert Eisele is founding editor of The Hill, a newspaper that covers Congress. time (of the crash). The untimely death, of this dedicated and effective progressive labor leader raises disquieting questions about the criminal nature of state power in what purports to be a democracy. Whether this was due, to some form of political subversion or other powerful entities, we may. Page of 2. with an altimeter setting 29.75 inches" This was similar to the altimeter reading uncovered after the crash of October 1964. In the process the perennial candidate switched party allegiances to independent, then became a member of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party, a precursor to the DFL. In fact, the impact of the thing, knocked me down on the floor, and I tried to get up and I got my arm tangled, up as thought it had been torn off. MISS M. TURNER, Huddleston, Va., bound for Cleveland. Mrs. Ridgeway, who was born in the area and moved to the farm with her late husband in 1950, said they found evidence of the violent crash years later. Norma Lundeen: I am the widow of Ernest Lundeen, United States senator from Minnesota, who was killed in an airplane crash on August 31, 1940. 12 May 1970. Twenty minutes on the ground gave the saboteur enough time to change an altimeter. overpowering sense of social justice that shaped his controversial, temperamental, combustible, and at times unrelenting character. What good is a dollar an hour more in wages if your neighborhood is burning down? In each of these instances, state and federal law-enforcement agencies showed themselves at best lackadaisical in their investigative efforts, suggesting the possibility of official collusion or at least tolerance for the criminal deeds. Stassen appointment It had never had a fatal crack-up in 13 years of operation. My parents explained that there was nowhere for their families, to go for justice, because they feared reprisals from whites. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, 1) A brass screw was found loose in the instrument case. The Barfield Report never addressed itself to where the drill mark came from, or how the threads had been torn out. They asserted that Lundeens speeches were bitterly anti-British and vigorously against American preparedness.. According to the secretary, Ive gone too far to turn back, was about all Lundeen said. It was not uncommon for Reuther to, hold an audience mesmerized for three or more hours1. The gangling, trumpet-tongued Congressman was on the witness stand in Washington, called there to explain his relations with George Sylvester Viereck, veteran Nazi propaganda agent. After completing my, research, I feel that the newspapers engaged in a conspiracy of silence, while reporting on the death of Walter Reuther: they presented information, about the plane crash along with biographical data, but only one paper. Arthur Nelson, who won a special election to fill the remaining two months of Lundeens term, filled the seat until Ball took office again as a freshman on Jan. 3, 1943, Even though Ball opposed President Franklin Roosevelts New Deal, unlike Lundeen, he supported FDRs foreign policy, voting for the Lend Lease program as a way of helping Great Britain serve as a barrier between us and whatever designs Hitler and his allies may have on this continent.. Lawyer ; Judge, Missouri St. Louis Court of Appeals, 1916-40; defeated, 1940; mayor of St. Louis, Mo., 1941-43; died in office 1943. The other passenger victims included a number of government employes and minor federal officials, among them being at least three agents of the department of justice. LOVETTSVILLE, VA. Paul Wellstone wasnt the first U.S. senator from Minnesota to die in a plane crash. He took it like a man who was loyally suppressing a big secret. This personality tranformation, called once famously a "trance-formation," was induced by the hyper-raumatizing, savage rape, torture and murder of innocent children in front of other children such as myself. The technician who assembled the altimeter had made too many mistakes in the same area, to have done so innocently. The jet engines were immediately stopped by the branches. Among such leaders looms the great figure of Walter Reuther. Born in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Ill., October 23, 1876 . (Bloomberg) -- Taiwan's exports of integrated circuit chips rose in 2022 for a seventh consecutive year, further solidifying the economy's leadership status in a global semiconductor industry . Lundeen was adamantly opposed to the United States involvement in World War I and campaigned on that stance. 2) An incorrect pivot was installed in one end of a rocking shaft. Eric Ostermeier, curator of the Minnesota Historical Election Archives, said Lundeen would have given that pro-Nazi Labor Day speech found among the wreckage of the plane crash with a lot of flair and what not.. I must also admit that after reading all of the, articles involved in my research, my feelings have not changed. This article originally appeared on St. Text searches and my skim of the NTSB report turned up no hits for: angus, barfield, military (armed, air force), trace or tso. Prosecutor William Power Maloney asked suavely whether it was a coincidence that Viereck's views as a Nazi propagandist "coincide so closely with your views as a Congressman at this time." (Jim White gave me a ton of scientific help with this, but the errors surely result from my own misunderstanding.). In 1933 Victor and Walter Reuther had lived and worked in the Soviet Union. Senator to be killed in an airline crash within five years. There was a natural path that took Lundeen from a progressive Midwestern politician to a key player in Hitlers propaganda war. A wonderful guy, but he was for the war. If so why do it when 2 FBI agents were aboard? U.S. However, he had to temporarily step aside because his appointment expired the day of the election rather than at the end of Lundeens term. He was the dynamic, and charismatic leader of the United Auto Workers (UAW). But five years earlier, a question: was the 1940 plane crash and the death of Senator Lundeen linked to the creation of the atomic bomb? . MISS EVELYN GOLDSMITH, of Pittsburgh and 1200 Euclid St., Washington. Reuther was the kind of labor leader who unsettled the higher circles: militant, incorruptible, and dedicated both to the rank-and-file and a broad class agenda. If it had crashed into the sea, this theoretically could have disrupted the signal of the plane's emergency transmitter, and sinking to the bottom in the frigid water could have made sure it was kept hidden . MISS DOROTHY BEER, secretary in war department, Washington, D. C. The correct link pin ends were flat, while the incorrect one was tapered on one end. Because of the heavy rain that drove local residents indoors, no actual eye-witnesses of the catastrophe could be found immediately. The speech extolled the great contributions of German culture to American life, and argued that Americans had more in common with the fascist German government than it did with the democracies Germany was busy invading. one of the first jets designed and built specifically for business flying. In the future he probably would have, he was a wonderful guy and it's too bad he didn't come around earlier. The fact that were two FBI agents on the plane with him when it hit the ground full speed at 300 mph gave some credence to the reports. A . These unions, as Victor Reuther describes them, were run by people who were "well soaked with both U.S. corporate and CIA juices. All passengers and crew on the plane perished. He described AID and AIFLD as CIA conduits. Lundeen doesnt do any of these things. Attempts to destabilize and even overthrow the U.S. government, as conversely efforts to fight fascism by the Justice Department and ordinary citizens like Los Angeles attorney Leon Lewis, who with his friends infiltrated the American brownshirt movements and uncovered violent plots, may soon come to the big screen. Ernest Frank Lundeen was born on month day 1900, at birth place, Iowa, to Jonas ( aka Jonas Michelsson) Lundeen and Ella Fidelia Lundeen (born Johnson). The next evening after Victor had given, the dog to family friends, he was shot in the head while in his home. The $50,000 was obviously an attempt to silence us", In 1960 NIXON called Walter Reuther "a labor leader-turned- radical politician." My son put it under his pillow, she said. By 1970, Reuther was seen more than ever as a threat to the dominant political agenda, earning him top place on Nixon's enemy list. An even bigger problem is the complete lack of attention on what happened to the anthrax after it came from Ivins flask, if it did. Lovettsville Elementary School, Lovettsville, Virginia. Almost nine years on, he explains how he is still coming to terms with how he . The last time that a former US Senator was killed in a plane crash was in April 1991 when former Texas Senator John Tower was one of the 23 passengers and crew members killed in the crash of an Atlantic Southeast Airlines Embraer Brasilia near . One can imagine that this was not well received by the Nixon White House. The investigators at Kollsman agreed with those at Barfield that the set screw was in place during the crash. He was Johnson's biggest supporter. Former Minnesota senator Ernest Lundeen's story of suspected sedition is back in the headlines thanks to a new podcast. In his early Detroit days, Walter had formed an alliance with communists within the union in order to combat conservative labor factions and company bosses. It was explained to Victor Reuther that an intelligence agency was often involved in sabotage of a sophisticated nature. I relied on the then-General Counsel of the United Automobile Workers, Steve Schlossberg, who I know from later experience was not too eager to make the investigation terribly thoroughHe was more interested in passing the reigns of power to the new president, Leonard Woodcock, and getting the Reuther years behind him, so I felt he was too quick to accept the findingshe is now in Washington as the official representative of the ILO [international Labor Organization]", Schlossberg had made reference to a faulty altimeter in his report: "This possibility is discounted because there were two altimeters in this particular Lear Jet, but the instrumentation is still being checked." The forward jewel for this shaft was damaged (oval recess) but not cracked. 14 March 2000. http://www.americanpredidents.com/kennedy.html, 7) Malcolm X. But miraculously, a copy of the speech Lundeen planned to give at a Labor Day event in Minnesota was found unscathed in the Virginia countryside, which was scattered with body parts and debris from the crash. All 25 on board were killed, including US Senator Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota. Both men were, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. On the afternoon of August 31, 1940, Lundeen was a passenger on Flight 19 of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, flying from Washington, D.C. to Detroit. It is possible that, despite Jonz's experience, the plane could have crashed into a mountain or even into the Prince William Sound. Its engines burst from theirnacelles. It is wasting our resources that we need at home and it is tarnishing our moral credentials in the world." This ruled out heat damage as being responsible for the threads being torn out. He and his brother Victor had not made things easy for themselves when they, went to Russia in 1932. The story, unearthed while the nation is still trying to grapple with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, is a reminder that democracy in the United States has been under threat before. (In this context, it might be noted that in January 1970, only three months before the fatal plane crash, the Nixon White House requested Reuther's FBI file The call came from Egil Krogh, a Nixon staff member who was later arrested as a Watergate burglar. Fish provided Viereck with a mailing list of some 100,000 names. Checking into such things is no easy task. LOVETTSVILLE, VA. Paul Wellstone wasnt the first U.S. senator from Minnesota to die in a plane crash. He was elected as a Republican to the Minnesota state House and in 1916 to represent a Hennepin County-based district in the House of Representatives. The Lear Company maintained that it was impossible for anyone but trusted officials of their firm to have known who was to use the plane" Steven I. Schlossberg, who conducted the investigation of the crash for the United Automobile Workers, reported: "In view of the fact that almost no one outside of top officials of Executive Jet could have known the identity of the passengers and there was little, if any, chance for ground tampering of this airplane, it appears to me that further investigation on a private basis is unwarranted." Like the charter airplane accident that killed DFL Sen. Wellstone, his wife and daughter and four others near Eveleth, Minn., Oct. 25, 2002, the accident that took the life of the 62-year-old Lundeen changed the course of Minnesota and perhaps even American political history. Lovettsville Elementary School, Lovettsville, Virginia. I had to make a conscious effort, to remain objective. Its 22 passengers, two pilots and stewardess were all killed. That is not what my research has, proven. Steve Schlossberg told this researcher: "It's not my field. No one received material from that flask without going through Dr. Ivins. programs that he advocated for the poor did not endear him to his enemies. FDR had a strong majority in both houses of congress. Viereck provided moral and financial support to a range of virulently anti-Semitic and racist organizations across the United States. It was, in effect, an exercise in trade union colonialism.". THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, September 1, 1940 * Lovettsville, Virginia Air Disaster * Douglas DC-3 airplane crash (1st report) This 30+ page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "25 PERSONS KILLED IN PLANE WRECK" with subheads that include: "SENATOR LUNDEEN ON PASSENGER LIST AND BELIEVED LOST" and more. The last communication from the plain's captain or co-pilot was their report of reaching 6,000 ft. . Farmers attracted by a crash found the plane strewn over a clearing into which it had apparently plunged full tilt. By Albert Eisele Sept. 3, 2009 Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society Ernest. in rural Alabama during the most racist era in American history. union in America provided him with many resources to promote his agenda. (Reuther was a close friend and advisor to the Kennedys.) Although funding non-communist labor unions was a common practice, had Walter Reuther misappropriated any of these funds, the CIA would have been able to get a handle on him. Wind shear, a sudden and powerful change in the direction of the wind, was given as one probable cause. Victor Reuther wrote: "Like others, I have been haunted continually by the question, 'Was the crash accidental?' Lovettsville Game Protective Association, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville High School (1910), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Library, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Post Office (1937-1961), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Town Hall, Lovettsville, Virginia, McClains Grocery, Lovettsville, Virginia, Historical Photographs of Lovettsville, Virginia, 1940 Lovettsville Airline Disaster Archive, Revolutionary War Veterans of Lovettsville. Even if there were tension, the screw would have left traces of movement on the shaft. Of the Vietnam war, Walter Reuther had stated: "It has divided this nation. A small plane crashed on a highway northwest of Atlanta, Georgia Wednesday morning, shutting down traffic, authorities said. Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the newly appointed House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman, on Sunday sidestepped multiple questions about why the panel won't investigate former President Trump over his handling of classified documents, despite plans to probe President Biden for similar offenses. Lundeen was an early pioneer in South Dakota, where Ernest was born and raised. The plots also included plans for a violent overthrow of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to impose a fascist dictatorship in the United States. The Kollsman Instrument's report stated: "No identification was present to trace the specific instrument type and date of manufacture. The Detroit Police claimed that neighbors had been, complaining about his barking dog. The aircraft was part of the 228th Squadron RAF. MRS. R. M. HALE, Pittsburgh. Page 1. Our newspapers seem to have. It also included thousands of inoffensive, innocent American adults. Click HERE to see this. U.S. army investigators approach the wreckage of a Air Force T-43 plane on April 6, 1996, near the Dubrovnik airport. 3) One day before the fatal crash, Walter Reuther sent a telegram to the, White House condemning the war, the invasion, and the bankruptcy of our, policy of force and violence in Vietnam.15. 6) The wrong kind of link pin, which holds a spring clip in place at the, 7) An end stone, which supports a shaft within the mechanism, was installed, I must admit that I was extremely biased before I began my research. Ernest Lundeen Memorial. . When, Victor Reuther was interview many years after the fatal crash he said I, and other family members are convinced that both the fatal crash and the, near fatal one in 1968 were not accidental.3, There was only one article in the Detroit Free Press that detailed some of, the previous murder attempts on the lives of Walter and Victor Reuther. You're going up against an instrument pilot who's been through partial panel training, where you have a failure of half your critical instruments. It was pointed out to Victor Reuther that no mafia figures had offered valid information on the plane crash. MISS NAOMI COLTO, 3821 Newark St., Washington, D. C. A man who had been courted and, consulted by the politically powerful and the corporate worlds elite? The Kollsman Report stated: "Examination of the calibration arm, Photo 31, and 32, and the end of the questionable screw show discolorations whose shapes tend to confirm that this screw was in position at the time of exposure to high temperature. They were first put on the market in 1965, but during the first few years. But it landed short of the airport, and crashed into 50-foot elm trees. Telegraph-Herald - Sep 1, 1940 Milwaukee Journal. The plane, a twin-engine Beechcraft King Air A100, was apparently in good condition when it hit the ground and exploded into flames about two miles from the Eveleth-Virginia airport in the. This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

, Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society. Inspection revealed charred aluminum in the brass screw threads. 6) Kennedy, John F. American Presidents. It was more likely caused by high heat and pressure of a part laying in contact. While the AFL-CIO was proclaiming its support for Nixon's escalation of the war and his anti-ballistic missile program, the ALA was lobbying hard against both. Segregation left African-Americans in the position of feeling both inferior, My paternal grandfather was murdered after he was falsely accused of raping, a white female. Were happy to make this story available to republish for free under anAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons licenseas long as you follow ourrepublishing guidelines. Senator Ernest Lundeen Plane Crash 1940. One of the pilots radioed that, they had the airport in sight. Walter Reuther died at the age of 62 in a plane crash. "I was deeply saddened to learn that . 12) Pip, Edwin G. Reuther plane had a flame out. 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